Standardised Tests - Analysis of Local Association Survey Responses

Created on: 24 Jan 2018 | Last modified: 30 Jul 2019

Following discussion of the draft National Improvement Framework (NIF) at the September meeting of Council, a survey of Local Associations on the use of standardised tests in Primary and Secondary schools within each local  authority area was carried out.

This was done in response to the rationale provided by the Scottish Government within the draft NIF for the introduction of standardised testing for all pupils in P1, P4, P7 and S3 on the basis that almost all local authorities were using standardised tests to assess pupil progress.

The survey was intended to find out the extent to which this was the case, as well as to ascertain the nature of the standardised testing being conducted and the degree to which class teachers were involved in administering such tests.

24 Local Associations responded with information relating to standardised testing in Primary, 21 for Secondary.

(Since conducting the survey, the Scottish Government published the final draft of the NIF which refers to standardised assessment rather than standardised tests.)

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