President's Speech to Edinburgh Rally - Strike Day 30 Nov 2011

Created on: 30 Nov 2011 | Last modified: 11 Nov 2015

As this year’s EIS President can I thank all members for being here today. We have a wonderful turnout and well done to all involved in making this massive show of protest possible.
I am proud that we are able to march with our fellow trade union colleagues in marches taking place up and down the country to fight the totally unjustified and unacceptable attack that the Westminster government is trying to make on our pensions.

At no time has the government produced proof that our pension schemes are unsustainable.  

At no time have they shown why we should be expected to suffer the triple whammy of paying a lot more, working for a lot longer and getting a lot less.

They simply want us to pay more tax – to fund the deficit.

Colleagues – we are not going to be singled out for this abuse. Teachers and lecturers have worked hard on the understanding that our pensions should be secure and guaranteed – what is being suggested is a betrayal of trust by a government  which has decided to rob from our salaries now and our pensions in the future.

Scottish teachers have been tolerant long enough. We have accepted a two-year pay freeze. Inflation is running at 5%. We are saying enough is enough!

The stakes could not be higher – we are fighting for dignity and comfort in retirement. We deserve no less. We have earned our pensions – remember they are deferred salary. 

Thank you for showing your resolve. Thanks too, to those of you who are parents – here supporting your children’s teachers. We know you understand that although taking strike action closes schools – we have no choice. 

Teachers and lecturers recognise a bully when they see one, and this bully, the Coalition Government , must be made to think again and negotiate in good faith and stop attacking the living standards of hard working people.

Thanks again for this great moving display of unity and solidarity.

Alan Munro
EIS President