About the Fund

Created on: 28 Jul 2010 | Last modified: 08 Mar 2021

Help where it is needed most

The EIS Benevolent Fund is available to all members and dependants of members who have been in full membership for at least one year. 

Members suffering from financial hardship due to unexpected illness, long term health problems or a sudden change in financial circumstances may be eligible for an award from the Fund. 

The Fund is financed by member subscriptions, income from investments and donations from Local Associations. 

People the EIS has helped in recent years:

  • Widows and widowers facing financial difficulties 
  • Teachers/lecturers on long term sick leave and their families
  • Former teachers/lecturers in retirement homes
  • Teachers/lecturers who have faced exceptional financial difficulties
  • Widows or widowers of teachers/lecturers who have no provision for a pension are also helped with grants to help with these ‘extra’ things which make life more pleasant
  • Teachers absent through ill-health who are on reduced salary may be helped depending on their circumstances.

Each application is considered individually. No two people have the same circumstances. All information is treated in confidence. 

Emergency grants may be available to members who have had an arrestment on their salary, who face eviction, or who have their gas or electricity cut off. 

Contact your local correspondent in the first instance. 

A full list of contacts with phone numbers can be found here