Stress Toolkit

Created on: 04 Sep 2015 | Last modified: 22 Apr 2020

Universities – psychosocially dangerous places to work.

This booklet is split in two halves; the first half seeks to define workplace stress, to set out employers’ responsibilities protecting their employees from workplace stress and the Health & Safety Executive approach to work-related stress.

The Second half of this document sets out a workplace stress toolkit for members to identify the potential hazards causing stress and ways in which the risk of these hazards may be reduced - thereby hopefully reducing the risk of work related stress.

Reducing workplace stress will not only improve members’ health and wellbeing, but also the quality of their work, which is naturally in the interests of staff, students and the Institution.

The design of the workplace (including organisation, roles, structures, communications etc.) is the key in achieving this with the principles of openness and transparency underpinning all activity in the workplace.

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