Seizing the Day: The refreshed CfE narrative as an opportunity to enhance Empowerment

Created on: 08 Apr 2020 | Last modified: 16 Feb 2023

At the EIS Professional Learning Conference 2020, Education Scotland Senior Education Officer Elizabeth McGuire led a seminar with and EIS Assistant Secretary Andrea Bradley on the refreshed CfE narrative as an opportunity to enhance Empowerment.

Members were told about Education Scotland's work revisiting the Curriculum for Excellence and seeing where the aims and ideals of the Curriculum have perhaps been pushed into the background.

Stressing the empowerment possibilities afforded by the re-statement of the principles and ambitions of CfE, Elizabeth and Andrea led participants through a series of activities encouraging reflection and discussion around the practical applications of the four capacities, the four contexts for learning and the five key elements of CfE curriculum-making. 

Participants were given a variety of tasks to work through with colleagues, the first being to revisit the four Capacities and see how they can be used for the empowerment of learners.

Members discussed how the four Capacities are being used or not being used in their own settings. They were then given a number of tools to help in deliberations such as the 'Power-o-meter' which lets teachers see where they and their school are on the journey to empowerment and then contemplate how they might begin to shift the dial towards greater empowerment and agency.

Education Scotland are open to invitations to come into schools or visit Cluster meetings and facilitate local discussions and innovations.

The refreshed CfE narrative can be accessed here: