H&S Reps

Created on: 28 May 2007 | Last modified: 21 Jan 2025

Argyll College


Ayrshire College

Mary Lewis - Mary.Lewis@ayrshire.ac.uk  (Ayr Campus)

Borders College

Garry Dickson - gdick@borderscollege.ac.uk

City of Glasgow 

Rachael Paton Ferrier - rachael.paton@cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk 
Jim McGrotty - Jim.mcgrotty@cityofglasgow.ac.uk

Dumfries & Galloway College

Kevin Somerville - somervillek@dumgal.ac.uk 

Dundee and Angus College

Fiachra O'Duibhinn - f.oduibhinn@dundeeandangus.ac.uk 

Edinburgh College

Val Gilchrist (Sighthill Campus)

Iain Grewcock (Sighthill Campus)

John Russell (Telford Campus)

George Baker (Granton Campus & Milton Road)

Fiona Waterston (Milton Road Campus)


Fife College

Liam Coakley - williamcoakley@fife.ac.uk 

Forth Valley College

Steven Elliot - steven.elliot@forthvalley.ac.uk 

Steven Adam - steven.adam@forthvalley.ac.uk

Glasgow Clyde College

Stewart Cumming - scumming@glasgowclyde.ac.uk

Derrek Carson - dcarson@glasgowclyde.ac.uk 

Sean Gilliland - DGilliland@glasgowclyde.ac.uk 

Glasgow Kelvin College

Ryan Shearer - rshearer@glasgowkelvin.ac.uk

Inverness College

Karen Ann Dicken 

Moray College

UHI North, West and Hebrides 

Hereward Proops

New College Lanarkshire

John Quinn - John.Quinn@nclan.ac.uk

Jackie Hunter - Jackie.Hunter@nclan.ac.uk 

Newbattle Abbey College


North East Scotland College

Pamella Tateson - PTATESON@nescol.ac.uk

Perth College

Steven Scott - steven.scott.perth@uhi.ac.uk

South Lanarkshire College

Fraser McCormick - fraser.mccormick@slc.ac.uk 

Joseph Quail - joseph.quail@slc.ac.uk 

West College Scotland

Don McGovern - don.mcgovern@wcs.ac.uk

Martin Wilson - martin.wilson@wcs.ac.uk 

Stephen Davies - stephen.davies@wcs.ac.uk 

West Lothian College

Corrinne Murray

Orkney College

Derek Aiken

Sabhal Mor Ostaig


Shetland College

Gavin Emslie - gavin.emslie@uhi.ac.uk