Stage 2 Amendment To The Education Bill: Standard For Headship

Created on: 23 Jan 2018 | Last modified: 10 Apr 2018

The EIS does not oppose in principle the proposed amendment to the Education Bill to introduce a requirement for mandatory qualifications for headship in Scotland's schools, although we do have some reservations about the proposal and timescale, and would urge consideration by the Scottish Government of certain key issues.

Promoting leadership at all levels, the EIS believes, is vitally important for Scottish education. The encouragement of leadership in all within the teaching profession, underpinned by a commitment to collegiate working, is an essential means of enhancing quality throughout the education system generally, and in order to close the achievement gap specifically.

For this reason, the EIS recognises the importance and value of additional professional qualifications for all teachers, including Headteachers, who wish to pursue them.

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