Protect the Right to Strike

Created on: 02 Feb 2023 | Last modified: 23 Feb 2023

The UK Government is attempting to rush through Parliament new laws that could undermine workers’ ability to take strike action to defend their pay and conditions.

The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill allows Ministers to write regulations in any services within six sectors (health, education, fire and rescue, border force, nuclear decommissioning and transport) that will force workers to work during strike action. 

Workers could be sacked and unions face huge damages if they fail to comply. 

These proposals are the latest attack on public sector workers from an increasingly out-of-touch, very right-wing UK government wishing to deflect from its own ineptitude.

While we await full details of the government’s bill, it is already clear that these proposals are unworkable but nonetheless concerning, given that the UK already has among the most restrictive anti-trade union laws in the world.

Meaningful negotiation on fair pay settlements, not ill-conceived legislation, is the path to settling industrial disputes in the public sector.

Add your name to the petition and join the campaign to defend the right to strike.