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Scotland's College Lecturers Deliver Vote for Industrial Action as Dispute Continues

22 July 2024

Scotland’s college lecturers have voted in favour of industrial action on pay, as the long-running national dispute continues.

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Lecturers strike back against "deeming" of pay by college employers

01 July 2024

Lecturers at two Scottish Further Education Colleges have voted in favour of strike action in protest at college employers ‘deeming’ (i.e. withholding) pay from lecturers engaged in industrial Action Short of Strike (ASoS).

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Pay Settlement Delay Unacceptable - Statement by SNCT Teachers' Panel

24 June 2024

The Teachers’ Panel of the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) has met today to consider the lack of response from local authority employers

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College employers unable to continue pay negotiations with EIS-FELA

21 June 2024

The Educational Institute of Scotland Further Education Lecturer Association again met with College Employers Scotland today to discuss the revised four year pay claim in an attempt to end their long running dispute.

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Maydey! EIS-FELA to hold national rally outside Scottish Parliament as pay dispute continues

19 June 2024

Members of the EIS-FELA will be holding a national rally outside the Scottish Parliament tomorrow (Thursday 20th June) at 11:15am as part of its ongoing programme of industrial action in a long-running dispute over pay.

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Glasgow teachers vote YES to industrial action

11 June 2024

Glasgow teachers have voted overwhelmingly in favour of industrial action with 96% voting Yes to Action Short of Strike and 90% voting for Strike action, in a ballot organised by the Educational Institute of Scotland.

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