Record your Workload (4th-10th March)

Created on: 21 Feb 2024 | Last modified: 11 Mar 2024

Stand Up For Quality Education – Record your Workload! 

Workload Week has ended! We are now asking all members to record your workload over the last week (Monday 4th – Sunday 10th March).

The EIS launched its Stand Up for Quality Education (SU4QE) campaign at its AGM in June 2023.

One of the key aims of this campaign is to significantly reduce teacher workload. We are powering on with the Workload campaign by undertaking research, which will provide independent evidence on the following areas:

  • workload of teachers,
  • the extra hours they work beyond their contractual hours as a consequence of their workload, and
  • the main reasons for the failure to achieve a 35-hour working week for teachers.

We need you to help by providing evidence of your workload burden, and how it affects your work and experience of teaching.

How do I take part?

Please  complete the Workload Diary.

First, you need to read an information sheet that explains the purpose of the research and what will happen to the information you supply. The Workload Diary that will take no more than thirty minutes in total to complete.

You can save your responses at the end of each section, so if you are interrupted you can return without losing your information. 

What is involved?

You will be asked to record in the Workload Diary the number of hours you spent on work-related activities last week (Monday 4th March to Sunday 10th March), including workdays, evenings, and the weekend.

Additionally, you will be asked about the influences on your time usage, how your workload affects your wellbeing, and whether you would like to participate in a follow-up interview to expand on your answers. We would encourage all members to sign up for the interviews.

To be included in the study, you must submit your completed workload diary no later than Sunday 17th March. We will send reminders later this week.

We urge you to get involved. We know that this is an additional ask, adding to your already busy work week, but your experiences and evidence of the hours that you worked and the tasks you carried out last week will allow us to accurately highlight teachers' workload as part of the SU4QE campaign to improve teachers’ working lives.