Gwen Mayor Trust

Created on: 09 Sep 2022 | Last modified: 28 Aug 2023

The Gwen Mayor Memorial Trust was established in March 1996 following the tragic events in Dunblane Primary School on 13 March 1996 when the teacher, Gwen Mayor, lost her life along with 16 pupils of the school.

The purpose of the Trust is “to advance education by providing financial support for projects in connection with the arts, culture, music or sport submitted to the Trustees by primary schools or departments in Scotland.” (Extract from ‘Declaration of Trust’)

Applications are now invited from primary schools and departments in Scotland. Proposed projects should fall within the purpose of the fund as set out above. Requests for full or partial funding of projects will be considered.

While the purpose of the fund is of a broad nature, the Trustees will give priority to applications which are for a specific project and applications for funding for general resources etc are unlikely to be considered. The maximum award to any one applicant will be £1,000 and any application for a project whose total cost exceeds £3,000 will not be considered for partial funding. The Trustees will seek a reasonable geographical spread in the disbursement of awards.

Applications are now invited from primary schools and departments in Scotland. Proposed projects should fall within the purpose of the fund as set out above. Requests for full or partial funding of projects will be considered.

Please contact to Karen Nicholson ( for an application form.