August 2024

Created on: 11 Sep 2024

Message from the General Secretary

Dear Rep,

I hope you had a restful summer break and feel refreshed enough to resume our collective work on behalf of members and in campaigning for quality education provision across all sectors. As you will see from the content of this bulletin, there are many priorities being pursued currently and it remains the case that our success in realising our objectives will be stronger and faster because of our collectivism. Reps are key to this in our schools, colleges and universities, and the role of reps can never be overstated.

That said, it is important that reps never feel that the responsibility for the branch rests with them solely. Branch members have a part to play and should be encouraged to support the work of the rep. This will build the power of the branch and help protect your wellbeing as a rep. Sharing roles and responsibilities amongst your branch colleagues is win, win.

And it is worth remembering that if your energies are depleted too much and too fast, you will be less able in the longer term to do all that you want to do on behalf of, with, and in support of the branch and the wider union.

So, at the beginning of this academic year, while energy levels are healthier, resolve to ask your colleagues to join you in carrying out the important work that you do as a rep.

Build a team, and if you have a team already, strengthen it.

There is a power in a union, there is always power in a union but we want that power to keep on growing and for you to stay safe and well as a rep.

Keep well, keep union-strong!

In solidarity
Andrea Bradley General Secretary

NQ Dual Presentations

SQA examination data for 2024 indicates that, despite official guidance, schools have continued to present a large number of candidates for both National 4 and National 5 in the same subject. Dual presentation is a significant driver of excess workload for teachers and contributes to the over-assessment of learners. In response to concerns raised by the EIS, a joint letter, signed by the Chief Examiner, the Chief HM Inspector and the Cabinet Secretary for Education, was issued to local authorities, and states that:

  • Large numbers of candidates should not be dual presented;
  • Presentation decisions must be informed by effective tracking and monitoring of learners’ progress through the Broad General Education;
  • Dual presentation would only be appropriate be in a “very limited number of exceptional circumstances,”and should involve dialogue with young people and their parents/carers.

Action for Representatives: Please bring the joint letter to the attention of members in your branch. Encourage discussions at departmental and school level on senior phase presentation policy to ensure that it aligns with the national position set out in the joint letter. If presentation policy is misaligned with the national guidance, raise this with school management in the first instance and seek advice from your local secretary if necessary.

Access to Marked Exam Papers Trial

The SQA has advised heads of centres that a trial of access to marked exam papers will take place following results day in August 2024. This will encompass Geography (N5 and Higher); Graphic Communication (N5, Higher and Advanced Higher); Media (National 5); Music (National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher); and Statistics (Advanced Higher).

SQA coordinators will be able to access the marked papers from SQA Connect. Parents, carers and learners will be informed of this trial and, therefore, will be able to request papers. The EIS will conduct a survey of affected members at the conclusion of the trial with a view to establishing its impact on teacher workload.

Action for Representatives: Please bring the EIS advice (originally issued in May 2024) to the attention of SQA Coordinators and to EIS members in the subject areas concerned, and alert affected members in your school to the forthcoming EIS survey.

The advice is available online.

Glasgow City Council Budget Cuts

EIS Glasgow is campaigning against cuts proposed that will see 450 teachers’ jobs lost over the next three years, starting with 172 jobs from August. Members in Glasgow returned a consultative ballot for ASOS and Strike Action on the 10th of June with 98% voting yes to action short of strike and 90% voting yes for strike action.

They move to a statutory ballot which opened on Monday 2nd September and runs for four weeks. The EIS is clear that these cuts are contrary to the Scottish Government’s commitment to increase teacher numbers, and the decision must be reconsidered.

Action for Representatives and Branch Secretaries: Please send messages of support to EIS Glasgow @EISGlasgow on X and EIS_Glasgow on Facebook.

Overpayment of Tax

The Salaries Committee has considered the ongoing issues in 16 local authorities in regards to overpayment of tax by members on backpay in 2023. Nationally, the EIS will: 

  1. Enlist the services of a tax solicitor.
  2. Write to leaders of councils in the 16 local authorities with a view to encouraging local authorities to undertake the requisite work to provide HMRC the details in respect of teachers’ backpay in order that HMRC can carry out the work necessary to reimburse teachers.
  3. Seek a further meeting with a senior member of HMRC staff regarding the ongoing issues. 

Action for Representatives: Please advise members of the actions being taken by EIS Headquarters and updated advice on the EIS website in respect of overpayment of tax on backpay. Members in the affected local authorities can continue to pursue claims through HMRC on an individual basis.

ULA Ballot

Members of EIS ULA are currently being balloted on the new JNCHES pay offer. The ULA Executive is advising members to reject the 2.5% pay offer for lecturers and vote yes for industrial action to fight for a better pay offer. Action for HE Branch Secretaries: Please encourage members in your establishment to cast their vote before the ballot closes on 2nd September. If any member has not received their ballot email, advise them to contact

Anti-Fascist Rally Glasgow: Don’t Let the Far Right Divide Us

The EIS, alongside a range of other organisations, including the STUC, and sister unions, is supporting the upcoming rally organised by Glasgow Stand Up to Racism. The EIS invites all members to stand in solidarity with all those affected by racism and discrimination, in rejection of racism and fascism, and to raise our voices for unity and equality.

7th September - gather at 12pm George Square, Glasgow.

Action for Primary Representatives and Branch Secretaries: Please share widely with members to encourage attendance, consider arranging for members to travel together and bring along banners / flags etc. Travel expenses will be paid by the EIS through the normal expenses claims process.

The Gwen Mayor Memorial Trust

The Gwen Mayor Memorial Trust was established in March 1996 following the tragic events in Dunblane Primary School when the teacher, Gwen Mayor, lost her life along with 16 pupils of the school. The purpose of the Trust is “to advance education by providing financial support for projects in connection with the arts, culture, music or sport submitted to the Trustees”. 

Applications are now invited from primary schools and departments in Scotland. Proposed projects should fall within the purpose of the fund as set out above. Requests for full or partial funding of projects will be considered. 

Action for Primary Representatives: More information is included in the enclosed letter. Please submit all applications by Friday 27th September.

Save the Date: Still We Rise – EIS Social Justice and Solidarity Conference

17th and 18th January – Radisson Blue Glasgow ‘Still We Rise’ is a two-day conference where we explore how educators and trade unionists can rise up to create a more fair and equal world for all. A full programme will be distributed closer to the event. Friday 17th January (12.00 registration, 16.15 finish): Equality related leadership learning workshops, open to members eligible for EIS Equality Networks: disabled, neurodivergent, BAME, LGBT and young members. 

Dinner event with entertainment, open to all members. Saturday 18th January (09.30 registration, 16.30 finish): Workshops on key equality issues, open to all EIS members and invited guests.

Action for Representatives and Branch Secretaries: Please highlight the event to members and display the enclosed poster prominently in your establishment. 

Professional Learning Courses, Webinars and Resources

Online and in-person courses are now available to book, with topics including creative approaches, leadership, strengthening family engagement, and conflict resolution. Courses and resources will be added throughout the year. Of note for those working in early years settings, is Early Years: Wellbeing, Inclusive Practice and Playful Learning taking place on Friday 8th November at the Radisson Blu, Glasgow. 

Please revisit the EIS Professional Learning Courses & Seminars page throughout the year to find out more about the learning on offer, and to book a place.

Action for Representatives and Branch Secretaries: Please visit the professional learning section of the EIS website and make yourself aware of upcoming professional learning opportunities.

New Staff and Probationer Teachers in your Establishment

New staff and probationers may have just joined your school. Please approach all new staff and ask if they are an EIS member, welcoming them to the Branch if they are. All probationers are eligible for free membership, even if they are also members of another trade union. If a new staff member is not a member of any other teachers’ trade union, please invite them to join the EIS. Please outline the several advantages of joining Scotland’s largest and most active teachers’ union and the strength of the school branch and EIS Local Association.

Action for Representatives and Branch Secretaries: Please approach all new staff and probationers and speak with them about joining the EIS.

Engagement with Local Association and EIS Organisers

It is important for EIS Reps and Branch Secretaries to have two-way communication with their Local Association – to share what is happening in their establishment and to hear what is happening at the local authority level. We also have a team of EIS Organisers that support their own Local Associations and who visit branches to discuss our latest campaigns, local campaign issues and to support Reps and Branch Secretaries.

Action for Representatives and Branch Secretaries: Please engage with your Local Association Secretary and attend LA meetings if you can. Please reach out to your local EIS Organiser to attend a branch meeting or if you want support.

EIS Reps’ Training

We support and train members to become school-based EIS Representatives, this includes Health & Safety and Equality Reps. The EIS works with the college tutors to deliver TUC accredited Reps’ training. Future training course dates will be published shortly. If you want to learn more, or have recently taken over as a new Rep then please explore our courses.

Action for Representatives: If you are a Rep who wishes to attend training, please contact your LA Secretary to apply for an EIS training course.