Created on: 01 Nov 2021 | Last modified: 11 Nov 2021
Following the success of your recent protracted industrial action you will be aware that any further action has been suspended. This is following an agreed position between the EIS and SRUC around the published Memorandum of Understanding.
You should have received a online ballot where you are being asked if you accept or reject the M of U as a resolution to the dispute.
Your Executive are recommending acceptance.
The closing date for the ballot is Friday 12th November 2021.
This is a draft agreement between the EIS and SRUC.
The provisions of this agreement will be adopted by the EIS and SRUC through the JNCC in the Framework Agreement that will underpin the transformation of pay and grading at SRUC.
The implementation of a new pay and grading structure will be carried out in partnership with JNCC in accordance with the Recognition and Procedural Agreement (RPA)and in line with this agreement.