EIS Professional Learning Conference 2019

Created on: 15 Mar 2019 | Last modified: 18 Jul 2022




In light of the significant increase in the numbers of young people with a diverse range of additional support needs in mainstream classrooms in recent years, and in response to EIS member demand for relevant professional learning, this half-day conference focused on Additional Support Needs, and marked the launch of the new publication.


ASN Guidance front cover

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Professor Lani Florian, Bell Chair of Education at Moray House School of Education, made the first keynote address and shared her expertise in inclusive pedagogy.

The second keynote was provided by EIS National Officer Jenny Kemp, who outlined the findings of and EIS response to, academic research commissioned by the EIS into local authority ASN provision.

Delegates were given the opportunity two attend two workshops throughout the day, which addressed various specific areas of ASN, suggesting practical approaches to supporting children and young people with:

  • Autism

  • Social, emotional and behavioural needs

  • Mental health difficulties

  • English as an additional language, particularly those from refugee and migrant communities.




Workshop 1: Responding to Children’s and Young People’s Social, Emotional and Behavioural Needs (Primary & Secondary)  - Dr Carrie Ballantyne, University West of Scotland


Workshop 2: Supporting Pupils/Students from Refugee and Migrant Communities who have English as an additional Language  - Clare Fulton, Global Learning Adviser, One World Centre


Workshop 3: Addressing the Needs of Children and Young People with Autism  - Lorna Johnston, DHT, City of Edinburgh Council


Workshop 4: Children and Young People’s Mental Health  - Rachael Hood, Mental Health Foundation